Remington's Sky Read online

Page 8

  His touch warmed her. And, as he spoke into the back of her neck, the heat from his words spread throughout her entire body.

  “Feet braced apart, like so.” Focus, Rem. Forget how damn good she feels in your arms. Remington was fighting the same internal battle.

  Sky tried hard to listen and to follow his instructions.

  “Now, pretend as if you’re about to sit in a chair.” His voice was low–husky.

  “Like this?” She didn’t recognize the sound of her own voice. The heat from his closeness fell off of him in waves, the strength of his arms, the natural smell of his body caused her to turn slowly into his arms.

  Sky’s eyes connected with his and Remington held her gaze.

  She couldn’t breathe as time stood still.

  The moment his gaze traveled to her lips, a kiss was inevitable.

  Sky wasn’t sure who moved first, but his lips touched hers in a soul-stirring, heart-pounding, panty-wetting kiss.

  Chapter 13

  Sky dropped the weights. They landed somewhere on the mat behind them.

  Sky felt a rush of passion pool between her thighs as his hot tongue traced the outside seam of her lips. Remington nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. She gave Remington full access as he thrust his tongue fully inside her mouth. Skillfully, he explored her, and Sky explored him too.

  Their tongues swirled around each other as they struck a rhythm that was both urgent and needy.

  Sky melted against him and let her hands roam free. She placed them all over his hot and sweaty chest touching him in ways she had only fantasized about.

  Remington moaned into her lips.

  Time and space no longer existed. The world shrank to just the two of them.

  His hands slid lower and gripped the back of Sky’s thighs urging her to lift and loop them around his waist.

  Her mind was no longer in control. Her body was, and it did what it was told.

  He was hard. Real hard. She felt the length of him as he squeezed her ass and ground into her sex. Sky couldn’t help but rock into him.

  The ache for more was making her crazy as the pulsing between her thighs intensified.

  Remington continued to thrust into her mouth and stroke her sopping wet core.

  Sky sucked hard onto his tongue as she dug her fingers into his hair and completely gave herself over to the pure feelings of ecstasy.

  She didn’t know how he managed it, but Remington dropped to his knees while never breaking their kiss. Then, he laid Sky back onto matt.

  She cradled him firmly between her legs.

  The sound of their kisses and their heavy breathing echoed throughout the room.

  Sky could feel the heat of his chest through the thin t-shirt she wore, but when he cupped her breast, and that’s when she broke the kiss. Sensory freakin’ overload!

  Sky spoke through gasps. “God, REM. This. You. Too much.”

  He rocked hard into her as he spoke into Sky’s neck. “Not nearly enough.”

  Her nipples were hard and begging to be lavished with wet kisses as he squeezed and kneaded them. Hell, she wanted him to kiss her all over her body and wondered what his tongue would feel like tasting her clit. The mere thought made Sky crisscrossed her legs around his waist again, and roll her hips into his cock.

  He growled into her neck as he kissed his way down the soft column and lower. “We have on entirely too many clothes.” Then, his hands were everywhere. Remington managed to take off Sky’s shirt, unhook and remove her bra before she even realized it. When he latched on to a tightly pebbled nipple and sucked—Sky arched up off the matt. She squeezed her eyes shut.

  Holy, shit. I’m going to die. He feels so good maybe I’ve already died. Sky thought.

  “Is everything okay in here?”

  They froze. Sky started to freak out and unhooked her legs. Frantically, she looked around for her t-shirt. She found it and crushed it to her breasts.

  “Is everything okay in here?” The voice asked again.

  Sky couldn’t form words. She was on the edge of a full-on panic attack.

  Remington was calm. He responded for her. “Everything is good.” The heat in his eyes hadn’t diminished with the appearance of another person. Remington caressed the side of Sky’s cheek. “Real good.” The second part of his answer could only be heard by her. She licked her bottom lip that was still swollen from his kisses. Remington sat back on his haunches and slid his hand down to her waist and rested them there. There was no doubt from the look in his eyes that he wanted to finish what they started.

  Sky inhaled deeply getting some much-needed oxygen to her brain. She looked around Remington to see Henry Moss, a security guard that had been with St. Lucia’s Hospital for over twenty-five years, looking at them suspiciously. Flustered and still trying to control her breathing, Sky answered, “We’re fine, Mr. Moss. Mr. Kneeland is my guest. We were just getting in some exercise.”

  He had that fatherly tone in his voice. “Exercise, huh? On the floor? Okay.”

  A hint of laughter snuck into Remington’s eyes.

  “Y-yes. Mr. Kneeland was just showing me a few things.” Sky was still attempting to cover up their full-on make-out session.

  Mr. Moss chuckled to himself. “I’m sure he was.” He said sarcastically. “Just a gentle reminder the gym closes at eight—even for staff members and their guests.”

  Sky nodded. Duly chastised. “Got it. We were just about to hit the showers.”

  “Uh-huh.” He didn’t sound as if he believed them.

  Remington couldn’t keep the smirk off his face. His back was to the guard which was probably a good thing. He’d hate to embarrass Sky any further by sporting a full hard-on and exposing the naked breast that was still wet from his kisses and not hidden by her t-shirt.

  Remington hoped his large frame kept her out of view. A bit of possessiveness took over. He didn’t like the thought of other men looking at her. He turned slightly to make eye contact with the guard. If the twinkle in his eye was any indication, it was apparent the man had seen more than Sky would have liked.

  Henry moved to leave. “Oh, by-the-way, Dr. Kirby?”


  He laughed lightly as he walked out of the gym. “Don’t forget security cameras are everywhere in this building. So, if you’re planning to do something you don’t want to be seen—the locker room should work. Just make that shower fast. I’m off the clock in the next thirty minutes.”

  Mortified, she bit her bottom lip and smiled. “Got it. Thanks, Mr. Moss.” After he had gone, Sky wrinkled up her nose. “And that happened.”

  “I like the way Mr. Moss thinks. Shower?” Remington was still hard as a rock.

  “I think—” She paused. “We got a little carried away.” Sky attempted to move out of his embrace.

  Remington tightened his hold. “I don’t think we got carried away enough, and there’s an easy fix to that. He bent low and placed a kiss on Sky’s lips.

  She started to melt into him again, but the consequences of having sex with Remington fell over her like a ton of bricks. Mr. Moss was an example of that. Her job, her reputation, and everything Sky worked hard for would be at risk. Gently, Sky placed both hands on his chest and pushed. Her body was screaming are you crazy, but common sense had to prevail. “Henry probably just saved us from making a huge mistake. We can’t do this.”

  Remington wasn’t ready to give up. “Not only do I think we can, but I promise it’ll be you can’t walk straight for a week kind of good.”

  Sky trembled. “I am sure you could make good on that promise. But tomorrow is a big day for both of us. I don’t think we should nor do we really want to cross this line. Your daughter’s physician can’t be sleeping with her father.”

  She was right. Dammit. Score one for common sense. Remington released his hold on her but even knowing she was right, there was still something inside of him that didn’t want to let go.

ter 14

  Sky entered Charlie’s hospital room to find her lying very still with a serene look on her face. She wasn’t as pale as she had been a couple of days ago. As a matter of fact, she looked like a replica of sleeping beauty. Too bad it wasn’t as easy as a prince kissing her on the lips to wake her up. It had been three days since they stopped using the medications to keep her in the coma, and Sky was beginning to worry that Charlie hadn’t regained consciousness. “It doesn’t make any sense.” She spoke softly to herself as she reached for her chart. Sky couldn’t understand it. All of her test results looked good, and they were getting stronger every day. Charlie should have woken up. The MRI showed there was brain activity and mostly all of the swelling had gone down from her spinal cord injury. Even though there was not a way to determine the extent of any brain damage until she woke up, If she woke up, nothing on paper could account for why she hadn’t.

  Sky checked and double checked her medical chart.

  Bella had finally shown up after being MIA for the past couple of weeks. She hissed loud enough for Sky to hear her from the other side of the door. “What am I supposed to do, REMI!? Am I supposed to wait forever? Charlie might not ever regain consciousness! And, if she does, she’ll need around the clock medical care. Kane and I are in no position to give her what she needs.”

  Another argument—round one or maybe a thousand. Every time they were in the same room there were fireworks. Sky tried to ignore them.

  “You’re her goddamned mother! Charlie can feel your presence. Or, in this case, your absence. You’re supposed to be here. Charlie’s not a pet. You can’t just come around when it’s convenient!”

  You have a point there, Sky thought.

  “I’m being realistic. Kane and I can’t abandon all of our other responsibilities!”

  “What other responsibilities? It’s not like you’re promoting a movie. You are living off my dime! What’s the difference between living off of my money from the comfort of the home I pay for or this hospital? Charlie needs you here, not chasing Kane all over the goddamned world.”

  Sky saw movement on Charlie’s face. Although her eyes were closed, they twitched, which wasn’t all that unusual. Only, it looked more like a blink, as if she were reacting to her parents arguing. When a slight crease formed across her forehead, Sky started to wonder if Charlie was still under.

  She remained quiet as she observed the girl’s reactions.

  Bella couldn’t contain her anger. “Why does it always come back to money?”

  “Because it’s my money!”

  “Regardless. Kane is none of your concern. But if he has to leave the country, I’m going with him. He has obligations.”

  Sarcasm dripped from his lips. “For argument sake, let’s pretend he has a real job. If I can run a billion-dollar corporation from this hospital, then so can he.”

  Sky wanted Kane to leave. Something in her gut told her he was the cause of Charlie injuries. Then the guilt hit her. It was actually never too far away considering she and Remington were in this weird sexual place—almost like they were in a holding pattern—waiting. Sky had never told Remington about the bruises or her suspicions. What if I were wrong? But what if you were right? The thought turned her stomach.

  Bella was still putting on an award-winning performance. “Like I said, what Kane does or doesn’t do is none of your business! You should be happy, singing from the rooftops even, that I’ve made this decision. So, I don’t understand why you are fighting me. You’ve always wanted custody of Charlie. I’m giving it to you.”

  “Physical custody. Not legal, but I plan to change that.”

  Those words caused Charlie’s face to scrunch up as if she were in pain.

  Sky saw it. Slowly, she placed the metal chart back into the holder on the wall above the bed. Charlie was awake. She was pretending to be unconscious. Sky wasn’t 100% sure and decided to test her theory. “I had parents like them. They drove me nuts.”

  Charlie didn’t respond. She didn’t move at all.

  Sky continued. “I know it might seem easier, but you can’t hide forever.” Moments of silence ticked by. Sky didn’t think she would answer. She didn’t know if it were even possible for her to respond, but then Charlie spoke. However, she didn’t open her eyes. Her voice was hoarse, a raspy whisper from not using it over the past few weeks. “They wouldn’t care.”

  Excellent. She remembers her parent’s fighting in the past and how it makes her feel. A positive sign for her cognitive responses. Sky made a mental note to write that down in her chart before sitting on the edge of Charlie’s bed. She continued to watch her intently. “It might not seem like it, but that’s not true. I’m sure both of your parents love and care about you very much.”

  Charlie didn’t respond.

  Sky pushed a little harder. “What do you remember about them?”

  Moments passed. “They hate each other, and sometimes they hate me.” Charlie said it matter-of-factly. Then she asked. “Can I have some water?”

  Sky’s heart went out to her. She knew that I don’t care routine all too well. “How about some ice-chips instead?”

  Slowly, Charlie nodded.

  Sky went over to the table that had the ice in a little bucket. She scooped some up in a cup and walked it back to Charlie’s bed. She placed an ice-chip on her lips and rubbed it across before allowing her to take a small one inside her mouth. “We’re going to have to take even the ice chips slow, okay?”


  “Good. Where was I? My parents divorced when I was about your age. It was hell. But, if I were honest, it was hell while they were together. Your parents don’t hate you. They just have to figure out how not to take their issues with each other out on you. My parents never learned that lesson. To this day, they can’t stand to be in the same room. If they can’t learn to do better, there is still good news!”

  Charlie’s eyes remained closed. “Like what?”

  “You won’t always be twelve which means . . .” Hopefully, after this accident, they’ll learn to put you first. Well, Sky knew that at least Remington was willing to do it. “One day, you’ll be able to move out on your own and live the kind of life you want. You can visit with your parents as much or as little as you like.”

  Charlie’s eyes fluttered open. She had trouble focusing. Everything was really blurred.

  Sky took out her light pen and shined it in her eyes for an examination. “So, how long have you been awake?”

  “Since last night.”

  “Hmm . . . You did a good job of convincing the nurses you were still asleep. Do you remember what happened that caused you to be here?” Sky asked the question as if it was no big deal.

  Charlie tensed up and touched her neck with her hands. “My throat hurts, and I-I . . .” She hesitated. “I don’t remember.”

  Sky didn’t believe her for a second. Her body language proved she remembered something unpleasant. The accident itself was unpleasant, so that could be it too. Sky wouldn’t push. But she had to admit, Charlie’s reaction only added fuel to her suspicions. “That’s okay. I’m sure everything will come back to you soon.” Sky quickly changed topics. “I can see that you have feelings in your arms. Can you lift them for me?”

  Charlie did as she was asked. “I’m so hungry.”

  Sky was happy to see she had mobility in her upper body and that she had an appetite. “No food for you yet, but maybe some chicken broth?”

  “Whatever.” Charlie’s speech was good even though it was a bit slurred.

  “Let’s finish this first. Can you follow my fingers?” Sky lifted her forefinger and slowly moved it from side to side. Charlie appeared to be following along.

  “So, again, how’d you manage to pull off being unconscious?”

  “I slowed my breathing when the nurses came in to check on me.”

  “I see. You have the gift too, huh? Do you want to be an actress like your mom?” Sky pulled out her percussion hammer and went to t
he foot of Charlie’s bed.

  They could still hear them arguing outside her door. Charlie’s voice was a barely-there whisper. “I don’t want to be anything like my mom.”

  Sky hated that she felt that way about her mother, but hell, Sky sometimes still felt that way about her own. The difference was that Sky accepted the fact that her mother was flawed and loved her in spite of it. Charlie hadn’t reached that level of maturity. She lifted the covers and ran the edge of the little triangle up and down Charlie’s left foot. “Can you feel that?”

  She whispered. “What?”

  “Hmm . . .” Sky mimicked the same action on the other foot. “How about this?”

  Charlie was beginning to freak out. “I don’t feel anything. Are you doing something?”

  “It’s okay. Nothing to get worked up over.” Sky tried to soothe her. “Remember, your body has gone through a major trauma. It’s still trying to heal itself. Everything might not be working like it’s supposed to just yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t.”

  “But I can’t feel anything below my waist.” There was panic in her eyes.

  Sky glanced up and gazed into the beautiful chocolate depths of a scared little girl. Sky wasn’t known for her bedside manner, but she smiled and tried to exude warmth. “That’s not unusual, and like I said sometimes it takes a while for everything to get back to normal.”

  “You don’t have to sugarcoat it. Tell me the truth. I can’t feel anything? Does that mean I won’t ever walk again?” She spoke with much more wisdom than her age should allow.

  “Do you want to? I mean, walk again?”

  Charlie nodded vigorously. “Yes.”

  “Then focus on that. The mind is very powerful.” Sky covered her legs back up with the blanket and lightly patted her thigh. “Now, should I go get your parents?”

  Nervously, Charlie looked at the door. “Is it just my mom and dad? Is anyone else out there?”

  “As far as I know, it’s just the two of them.” Alarm bells were ringing, and red flags were waving. Sky did her best to conceal her concern. She plastered on a smile. “According to the doctor/parent handbook, I’m required to get them.”