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Remington's Sky Page 7
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Page 7
Sky nodded.
Quietly, they walked towards the locker room. Remington thanked her. “I appreciate the workout and the pep talk.”
Sky finally smiled, a real one, as she gazed into his eyes. “Anytime.”
Chapter 11
He spotted Sky sitting at a corner table in the cafeteria with her head bowed low reading whatever papers that were sprawled out in front of her. Remington’s first instinct was to grab a quick bite to eat and then high-tail it back to Charlie. Then he thought better of it, considering his mood had been altered for the better since Sky invited him to work-out the day before. It couldn’t hurt to say a quick hello.
He moseyed over. “Do you ever take a break? I bet your soup is cold.”
Sky looked up. “I guess it’s a good thing that I love what I do.” She spread her arm in a semi-circle directing him to the empty chair across from her. “Please, have a seat.”
Remington looked indecisive. “I should probably get back. They took Charlie to get some tests about a half-an-hour ago and I’m not sure when they’ll bring her back.”
“Mr. Kneeland, Charlie is going to be gone for at least another half-an-hour. A little distraction and some lunch will do you good.”
He started to decline, but Sky wouldn’t let him.
“Doctor’s orders.”
“If it is doctor’s orders, I guess I don’t really have a choice. And, after yesterday, please call me Remington.”
“Remington.” It sounded good rolling off her tongue. “Then please call me Sky. Unfortunately, for you, you don’t have a choice because it’s definitely doctor’s orders.” Sky whispered conspiratorially. “If I’m honest, I could use a bit of a distraction too.”
Remington took a seat. “Thanks again for yesterday. I really appreciated it.”
Sky tilted her head slightly. “It was really no problem. I enjoyed the company.”
“Listening to me go on and on about my problems couldn’t be much fun.”
Sky leaned back in her chair. “Actually, it was refreshing. It’s not every day that people put down their armor and have an honest conversation. You know? There is always some imaginary wall preventing it.”
Remington took a bite of his sandwich. “True. Not sure I would have had the same conversation outside of this situation.”
Sky agreed. “Me either. There are very few people who I have ever told about my parents.”
He nodded. “Same about Charlie.”
“You have to admit, it was way less awkward than those first date conversations. The ones that start off like ‘tell me something about yourself?’ Then, the person says, ‘I’m insert some fancy-smancy job title’ and name drops someone that is supposed to impress you. When what you really want to know is who they are, not what they do, and definitely not who they know.”
Remington laughed. “Or, how about I like long romantic walks on the beach. How corny is that? Not that I’ve been out on that many dates since my divorce, in-part because the conversations were always so tedious.”
“Right! Who has time for walks on the beach? Although cuddling on the couch with a glass of red wine after a long day, sounds amazing. Or rub my feet. They hurt.” Sky laughed. “I’m a show me don’t tell me kind of woman.”
Remington grew serious. “If I’ve learned anything from this experience, is that you’ve got to take some time to enjoy the things that make you happy and the people you love. Life can change in a heartbeat, and you might not get the chance. Sometimes, you have just got to take that walk on the beach.”
Sky didn’t even realize she had placed her hand over his in an attempt to sooth him. “That’s great advice.” The familiar feeling of butterflies appeared in her stomach. That was not supposed to happen.
It was just for a split second, but at the feel of Sky’s hand, Remington’s eyes held hers. Once he realized it, he turned his attention elsewhere.
Sky quickly removed her hand.
He cleared his throat. “You know? I should probably get back.”
“Right. Me too. I have a lot of paperwork to review.” Sky started to gather her things.
Remington picked up his trash as he waited for her. “Don’t forget what I said. You work too hard.”
Sky attempted to lighten the mood. “Go to the beach and get a hobby.” He was right. It was too bad she had been so consumed with work over the years, and her circle of friends was very small. There wasn’t really anything Sky was passionate about outside of being a neurosurgeon because after looking at Remington’s lips move while he was talking, Sky was in desperate need of a distraction.
Chapter 12
The workout Remington had with Sky helped to release some of the tension he had been carrying around. But, if he were honest, he could use another workout session or just some alone time with her.
Remington sat next to Charlie as he held her hand watching and studying her face. He noticed every freckle, the soft curve of her jawline, and skin that was much too pale. He wished he didn’t have to see that part of her head that had been shaved. Briefly, Remington closed his eyes. More than anything, he wished he had been a better father. Hoped Charlie would open those beautiful brown eyes, and forgive him.
Sky quietly entered the room. Remington hadn’t heard her. By the set of his shoulders and how low his head hung, it was obvious that he was in his own personal hell. Any parent would be, she thought. It was his voice that caught and held her heart.
“I remember when you were born. You were so tiny. You seemed like a little doll. I was afraid to hold you. Afraid . . .” Remington paused. The words seemed difficult to say. “I remember thinking my hands were too big. That they would break you.” He was full of pain. “I haven’t been the best father. Maybe I’ve even been a shitty one, but if you can hear me, I love you more than anything.” Remington’s voice came out as a hoarse whisper. “Come back to me, Charlie. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
Sky could feel this man’s love and pain. It was palpable. Something inside of her connected to this family and the ice around her heart truly began to melt. Sky had intruded on something sacred and felt a bit guilty intruding on Remington’s moment with his daughter. A man as proud as him wouldn’t have wanted anyone to hear thoughts that were meant just for her. Sky stepped back closer to the door. She opened it and made a bit of noise pretending to have just entered the room. She cleared her throat before speaking because it was thick with emotion. But she did her best to keep it light. “Good evening. How are you two doing today?”
Remington half turned and watched Sky walk into the room. Her eyes were bright, glassy with unshed tears. “You overheard me talking to Charlie.”
She wouldn’t lie. Sky spoke softly as she blinked back tears. “I did hear you talking not sure how much I heard.”
“Enough to make you want to cry.” She was close enough to touch. He used the back of one of his knuckles to gently wipe away a tear that spilled over. “I hope those tears are for Charlie and not me. She deserves them. I don’t.”
Sky stared into those incredible gray eyes, and for the first time in her life, she forgot how to breathe. They were turbulent and so damned expressive. It was as if a portal to his soul had been left open and for a very brief moment, she was able to peek inside. There was hurt, pain and something that resembled passion.
It was as if he noticed it at the same time as Sky. Immediately, Remington shut down. He dropped his hands and stepped back. Whatever that was—that moment—it could not happen.
What the hell am I doing? I’ve crossed so many lines. I’ve got to get back on my game. It was best if they both pretended the last minute and thirty seconds never happened. Sky squared her shoulders. “I actually came to bring you good news. Charlie has made enough progress that we believe we can start the process of waking her up.”
At first, it was as if Remington hadn’t heard her. Then the upturned corners of his mouth grew so broad that it exposed the most perfect smile Sky had ever seen. It
transformed his entire face. Remington’s perfectly straight teeth could have starred in a toothpaste commercial.
He was beautiful.
Remington took Sky by surprise when he joyously lifted her off her feet and spun her around in a circle. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I am.” She nodded and laughed right along with him wanting to share in his joy. For the second time, in as many minutes, Sky’s mouth went dry, and her heart sped up. Being held in his arms made her tingle all over. The moment she realized it, her smile fell. Talk about crossing lines—again.
Remington noticed it too. Slowly, he let Sky slide down the hard planes of his body. It was only a flash of a moment, but he liked the way she felt in his arms and on his body. Wrong time. What was he thinking? There would never be a right time. “I’m sorry about that. I was just excited.”
Sky cleared her throat. “Umm . . . no problem.” Back to business. She scolded herself. “I need to make sure that you know what to expect. Charlie has been in a medically induced coma for a couple of weeks. Therefore, the process that we will use to bring her out is going to take some time. It’s not a snap your fingers kind of thing. It can take up to seventy-two hours or more.”
Remington hung on to Sky’s every word.
She continued. “Even then, Charlie may not wake up right away. If she doesn’t, I don’t want you to be alarmed. Sometimes, it can take the brain a little longer to realize it’s awake and to start firing off on its own.”
“Can you tell if there is any permanent brain damage yet?”
“Her MRI scans look very promising. I think because Charlie is so young and strong, it is helping with her recovery.”
Remington appeared visibly relieved.
“I still need to warn you that until Charlie is fully awake, we will not be able to ascertain any long or short term effects from her injuries.”
“I understand. This is still good news. I suppose I should call her mother.” Remington ran a hand through his unruly dark blonde hair.
Sky felt a strong desire to want to do it for him. Focus woman focus. “We’ve had someone contact her already.”
“Good. That should help prevent my blood pressure from accelerating. Still, I’m not going to be able to think or sleep until I know exactly what I am dealing with. Now would be a good time to hit the gym.”
“Well, why don’t we do that?” Sky hadn’t meant for the words to pop out of her mouth but she was caught up in his excitement. Being with Remington outside of any professional capacity was not a good idea.
He responded before she could pull her words back. “I would owe you big time. You sure you don’t mind? I’d hate for Dr. Bridges to find us up there again. He might start drawing conclusions.”
Sky smiled mischievously. She couldn’t seem to help herself. “All the more reason to go. Charlie was my last patient for today. I can meet you by the elevators in ten minutes.”
Remington didn’t spend as much time on the treadmill with Sky as he had the last time. He needed a more vigorous workout and decided to get on the weights.
It was a cardio day for Sky. She had set her incline much too high as she did her best to really push herself. It was a poor attempt to ignore the presence of a man who Sky couldn’t keep off her mind. It was stupid to invite him to work out knowing you are attracted to him. Just pretend he’s not here and get your hour done. She coached herself. At least this time Sky brought headphones. No more intimate conversations.
Sky listened to her favorite songs while her eyes kept drifting over to delicousness that was Remington Kneeland.
Ignoring him was a near-impossible task. Sky looked at the dashboard and increased the speed on the treadmill. You’ve got this girl. He’s just a man. Remember they are like shoes. She argued with herself. Yeah, but he’s like the Jimmy Choo kind. Her eyes managed to wander over to him again. Remington was pumping iron. At some point, he had pulled off his shirt to reveal a lean, sculpted frame that blew her mind. Sweat poured off his lightly tanned body. Every time he flexed his muscles created a mini-volcano between her thighs. Sky devoured him with her eyes as they traveled down the length of his body. Remington had that ‘v’ thing and a dusting of blond hair that got lost in his gym shorts.
Sky bit her lip. She almost lost her footing and fell off the treadmill.
Remington glanced up to see her faux pas. “Are you okay over there?”
Sky’s face was burning from embarrassment. She held up her hand. “I’m okay. Damn shoes. Need a new pair.” He’d been so focused on his workout that she hoped he hadn’t seen her heated stares.
Remington wasn’t fairing much better than Sky. She hadn’t noticed him looking at her, but he couldn’t help but admire her curves. Sky wasn’t a very tall woman, but more than made up for it in other areas. If she hadn’t chosen to be a doctor, she could have easily been a swimsuit model. She was perfectly proportioned—breasts that would more than fit in the palm of his hands, a narrow waist and flat stomach, womanly hips, and thighs that made his mouth water. In truth, Sky was perfect. It had taken all of his strength not to just sit and watch her run on that treadmill. For any man with his vantage point, she would have been a must-watch event. Remington needed to get his mind together. He absolutely should not be thinking about Sky Kirby that way and felt like a pervert sneaking glances.
It had been much too long since he had been with a woman. And, given his circumstances, it should have been the furthest thing from his mind. But with Sky less than ten feet away and looking like a siren, she was making it difficult. Maybe instead of fighting it, Remington should welcome distraction.
The moment of truth was coming regarding Charlie’s condition, and it filled him with nervousness and dread. What if she didn’t wake up? So far, running and lifting weights hadn’t been able to quell his energy. Remington got up off the bench and added more weights to the barbell. It wasn’t a good idea since he didn’t have a spotter but he needed to bring his anxiousness down to normal levels and get his mind right.
Sky, on the other hand, was running herself into exhaustion, trying to get her libido under control when she heard a voice in her blue-tooth earpiece. “Sky. Why have you been avoiding me?”
That’s what paying attention to her sexy patient’s father did to her. It caused a lapse in thought and had Sky answering a phone call before checking the display. “Mom.” Her forced jovialness might have been a bit too much. “I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy with work.”
“Sky Kirby Johnston. I know you. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I would never do that.” The sarcasm dripped from her lips.
“I’m going to be in town this weekend and wanted to get together for dinner. There’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Is this a new fiancé?” Sky said half-jokingly.
Omara Johnston-Reid-Hall remained silent.
Sky looked heavenward. “Mom? You’ve got to be kidding, right? Please don’t tell me that you are gunning for husband number four?”
“Then I won’t share my good news with you. I’ll wait and share it on Saturday when you meet Sam.” Omara laughed nervously.
“Be happy for me, Sky. I think he is the one.”
“The ink from your divorce is barely dry on husband number three! You know I’ve only ever wanted your happiness, but you won’t find it like this.”
“Sam is different. He used to be a minister.”
Sky was shocked. She stopped her machine before she actually did fall off. “Are you serious!?”
Remington heard Sky and looked over. Whatever was going on, she looked horrified. He placed his barbell back on its stand and sat up from the bench.
Sky’s mom was still talking in her ear. “Of course, I’m serious. I take the institution of marriage very seriously and would never play around with something like this.”
So serious that it’s your sixth engagement and will be your fourth ma
rriage, Sky thought. “He’s a minister.” Sky said it as if she were talking to a small child. “You don’t even go to church. What denomination is he? Do you even believe in God?”
“He’s the denomination of God. That’s all that matters. Anyway, that’s neither here, nor there. And don’t be so negative. If I’m happy, you should be too.”
Sky was truly speechless.
“Please, honey. Be happy for me. And, gotcha!”
“So, you were just kidding?”
“About Sam being a minister? Yes. He’s really some big shot Hollywood agent. But not about getting married.”
Sky shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Mom, I have to go. I have an–um–something came up. Can I call you later?”
Sounding non-the-wiser that Sky’s head was about to explode, Omara responded. “Of course. Call me later tonight.”
Sky hung up.
“Is everything alright?” She opened her eyes to find Remington standing close.
“I’m fine. Just remind me to never get married and never have children.”
He scratched the side of his head as he joked. “Just the kind of woman I’m looking for. Seriously, you look like you could use a punching bag.”
“I could.”
“There isn’t one, so how about some weights? You can take your frustrations out on the weights instead of whoever you were talking too. It’ll help release the aggression in your eyes.”
“A punching bag would be perfect.” With my mother’s face on it. She thought.
They walked over to the free weights area.
Remington picked up a couple of ten-pound barbells and handed them to her.
“Ten pounds? Really?” She lifted an eyebrow.
“It’s not how heavy they are it’s the repetition. You don’t have bulky muscles, so I figured a little something for the aggression and a little something to tone. Squat like this.” He pulled her back to his front and placed his hands on her hips.